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Concerts 14th of April at 6pm 

Opening concert in Dalhem church - A mixed programme with some of the artists that are performing during the week of the festival 

15th - 21st of April

 • Renaissance concert with the vocal ensemble Ad Fontes in Lärbro church 

• Concert with professional musicians and young talents from Sweden and Norway - winners from the Norwegian Youth Music Competition 2019 ( - in the Gullin Hall at the Adult Education Centre in Hemse

 • Concert with professional musicians in Fröjel church (cello, violin and piano) 

•  19th of April at 12.00,Good Friday : Concert at Visby Cathedral, collaboration between professional musicians and dancers 

• 21st of April Recital with soprano Eir Inderhaug performing (including E. Grieg Haugtussa and opera) at Almedalsbiblioteket in Visby.

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